With Truth as our sanctuary and Love as our temple, Christ Love Ministries is a church without walls. After the fashion and tradition of early Christian places of worship, ours embraces the intimacy and simplicity of the “home church” ideal. Christ Love Ministries supports and nurtures an ever-expanding revelation, embodiment and expression of Christ in all beings. We respect and acknowledge all spiritual traditions devoted to Jesus Christ as well as all peaceful paths seeking God. As children of the Living God, we of Christ Love Ministries walk by Faith, and know that the Word is made flesh as Love in all who earnestly seek Him. Christ Love Ministries is a federal non-profit corporation and meets the 501C-3 standards as well as those of a Nevada non-profit corporation.
Serving as Board of Trustees for Christ Love Ministries are Rev. Marjory Dawson, Rev. Jean Celia, Rev. Susan Dorn, Rev. Charlene Terranova, and Rev. Dave Luce (Emeritus).